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State Security Officer Found Dead 

The body of a state security officer has been found shot in eastern Ghouta, reports Sowt Al-Asima.
State Security Officer Found Dead 

On Monday, the residents of the Hawsh Nasri village in eastern Ghouta found the body of an officer from the State Security branch. The officer was killed by unknown persons and thrown into one of the dilapidated houses on the outskirts of the village.

The Sowt Al-Asima correspondent said that the people informed the security authorities after finding the dead officer’s body. The regime intelligence closed all entrances to the area where the body was located, near the Hassan Ibn Thabit Mosque.

The correspondent confirmed that the body belonged to an officer from the State Security Branch, with the rank of Lieutenant, called Mohsen Shamma, who hails from the city of Masyaf, west of Hama.

According to the correspondent, the regime intelligence apparatus transported the officer’s body to a hospital in the capital, Damascus, only to realize that he was killed by two bullets to the head, fired by a military pistol.

The regime intelligence carried out a search campaign that affected many homes in the area surrounding the Hassan Ibn Thabit Mosque, where the officer’s body was found, without any arrests recorded.

The Sowt Al-Asima team documented, in 2020, the targeting of 32 military bases and checkpoints belonging to the Syrian regime, in addition to the targeting of leaders within the ranks of local militias as well as the most prominent regime agents in the capital and its environs.

According to the documented toll, the operations targeted seven military checkpoints and 14 security vehicles using improvised explosive devices, in addition to 11 leaders and members of local militias, in addition to informants in various regions. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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