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Arab Parties Conference Condemns US Threats

Secretary General of Arab Parties Conference Qassem Saleh, has said that these threats, pave the way for the fabrication of a chemical attack writes SANA
Arab Parties Conference Condemns US Threats

The Secretary General of Arab Parties Conference Qassem Saleh condemned the US, British and French threats to launch a new aggression on Syria.

In a statement on Sunday, Saleh called upon the international community to stand strong in face of the farcical drama, which the US and its allies are trying to create in Syria in support of terrorists.

“The US administration and its British and French allies have escalated threats to launch strikes against Syria, and they depended on preemptive accusations of the possibility of chemical weapons being used, which paves the way for terrorist organizations to fabricate scenarios, similar to what took place in Khan Sheikhoun, Aleppo and Ghouta before they were liberated from terrorism, “Saleh said.

He added, “Today the US and its allies are repeating these fabrications before the decisive battle which the Syrian Arab Army and its allies are getting ready to launch against terrorists in Idleb and in the countryside of Hama and Lattakia.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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