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Iran Pressures Assad Regime: Agreements Must be Implemented

A missive, dispatched by the director General of the West Asia Division at the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization, was received by Assad's ambassador in Tehran.
Iran Pressures Assad Regime: Agreements Must be Implemented

Iran has conveyed fresh communication to the Assad regime, emphasizing the imperative for the latter to honour the ratified agreements and eliminate all impediments hindering investment endeavours.

The missive, dispatched by Abdolamir Rabihawi, Director General of the West Asia Division at the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization, was received by Shafiq Diop, Assad’s ambassador in Tehran.

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According to IRNA’s report on Saturday, Rabihawi underscored in his discussions with Diop the necessity to “revitalize exhibition activities and facilitate the exchange of trade and commercial delegations to execute the ratified trade accords.”

The Iranian official referenced the agreements sealed during Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to Damascus, along with subsequent deliberations including those during Assad Prime Minister Hossein Arnous’s visit to Tehran.

Diop highlighted “certain challenges encountered by businessmen” and emphasized the imperative of addressing them, underscoring “the Syrian leadership’s resolve to enhance trade cooperation with Iran.”

He expressed readiness to participate in the Syria Reconstruction Conference scheduled for next week.

Diop also proposed “pragmatic remedies to tackle the challenges confronting businessmen and eliminate trade barriers between the two nations,” as reported by IRNA and other Iranian media outlets.

Assad’s Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, visited Tehran last December, with Iranian media reporting the objective as “finalizing previously agreed memorandums of cooperation.”

Following meetings with Tehran officials, Arnous announced the resolution of obstacles hindering the implementation of the memorandums of understanding between the two parties, indicating that the outcomes of recent discussions “will manifest in the coming days.”

He asserted that the agreements entered into by the regime with Iran were founded on a “win-win” principle benefiting both sides.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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