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Damascus Criticizes Western Hypocrisy in Security Council Over Israeli Actions

Syria criticized the US and some European countries for attempting to justify Israeli aggression in Gaza, according to al-Baath.
Damascus Criticizes Western Hypocrisy in Security Council Over Israeli Actions

Dr. Al-Hakam Dandi, the Acting Chargé d’Affaires of Syria’s Permanent Delegation to the United Nations, criticized the United States and European countries for preventing the Security Council from addressing Israeli occupation crimes. During the Security Council Ministerial Meeting on the Middle East situation, including the Palestinian Cause, Dandi highlighted this as evidence of their hypocrisy and the falsity of their human rights protection claims.

Dandi emphasized the persistent aggression against Palestinians and repeated attacks on Syrian territories as indicative of the Israeli entity’s inherent inclination towards crime and destruction. He pointed out the ongoing brutal aggression in the Gaza Strip for 110 days and the frequent Israeli assaults on Syrian lands as part of a continuous chain of Israeli offenses spanning over 75 years.

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According to Dandi, the Israeli occupation maintains its harsh siege on Gaza, obstructs humanitarian aid, and uses internationally banned weapons, including phosphorus incendiary bombs, blatantly disregarding international laws and humanitarian standards.

He criticized the US and some European countries for attempting to justify Israeli aggression in Gaza under the guise of “self-defence” and for inverting the roles of criminal and victim. Dandi challenged these nations, who claim to uphold human rights and civilian protection, questioning their current stance on these principles and their actions to safeguard Palestinians from Israeli aggression.

Dandi reiterated Syria’s appeal to the Security Council for immediate action to alleviate Palestinian suffering. He called for halting ongoing Israeli attacks, providing urgent humanitarian aid, preventing forced displacement, and holding the Israeli occupation and its supporters accountable for these crimes.

He also mentioned the hostile actions of the Israeli occupation, including repeated attacks on Syrian territory, targeting residential areas, and vital infrastructure. These attacks risk civilian lives, endanger civil aviation, and disrupt UN humanitarian efforts.

Dandi warned against the continuation of such aggressive policies by Israel and its supporters, which pose a threat to regional and international peace and security. He urged the Security Council to take responsibility for ending these aggressive tactics, work to end the Israeli occupation of Arab lands and implement relevant UN resolutions.

Lastly, Dandi accused the European Union delegation of using the Security Council platform to deflect attention from Israeli occupation crimes and the EU’s problematic policies that exacerbate the crisis in Syria and the suffering of its people.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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