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Meeting in Daraa’s Jasim Between Regime Officers and Notables: What Did it Lead to?

Jasim's leaders have negotiated an agreement with the security officers to withdraw the military security from a cultural center, Syria TV says.

Jasim’s local leaders and city elders have successfully negotiated an agreement with the regime’s security officers to withdraw the military security detachment from the city’s cultural center. However, the timing of the withdrawal of the regime’s reinforcements, which had surrounded the area, remains undisclosed.

A city leader in Jasim informed Syria TV that the accord was reached during a Saturday afternoon meeting at the palace of former People’s Assembly member Farouk al-Hammadi, situated between the cities of Inkhil and Jasim. The meeting, held under the auspices of the Eighth Brigade, marked a pivotal moment.

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The initial aspect of the agreement involved the removal of military security personnel from the cultural center, the branch’s headquarters within the city. This action was prompted by a siege imposed by local groups in response to the recent encirclement of Jasim by regime forces, as explained by the commander.

Among the agreed-upon terms was the reopening of main roads to facilitate the movement of Jasim’s residents, both entering and exiting the city. However, the withdrawal date for the military reinforcements from the vicinity of Jasim was not specified during the meeting.

The regime’s conditions included the expulsion of certain figures from Jasim, labeled as “strangers.” Additionally, regime officers announced plans to conduct a sweep of the northern areas of Jasim in search of these individuals.

Notably, the northern regions of Jasim are characterized by extensive agricultural land, where city-based farmers have been hindered from working by regime forces since the imposition of the siege.

A source from Jasim disclosed to Syria TV that local groups in Jasim had wielded the besieging of the military security headquarters as a bargaining tool against the regime. However, with the withdrawal of military security personnel, these groups now find themselves devoid of a negotiating card.

New military reinforcements to the vicinity of Jasim 

The source has confirmed a continuous influx of new military reinforcements to the vicinity of the city, particularly from the First Division in the Kiswah area and the Karim field in the Lajat area. These reinforcements include numerous armored vehicles and heavy vehicles.

The regime consistently alleges the presence of outsiders in Jasim, accusing them of targeting its security patrols. However, local groups successfully eliminated ISIS leaders and members who had been facilitated by the regime to enter the city last year.

The latest meeting coincided with the flight of two reconnaissance aircraft belonging to regime forces over the al-Jidor area, actively monitoring the region.

There has been a recent escalation in the targeting of joint security patrols affiliated with the regime near Jasim, resulting in casualties, including officers. Residents attribute these attacks to reactions against regime officers’ violations, including ongoing arrests of civilians at military checkpoints and assassinations, a significant portion of which is supervised by the regime’s security branches.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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