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Assad Regime Claims Responsibility for Idleb Massacre

Syria said the shelling targeted command headquarters and training camps belonging to terrorist organizations in rural Idleb, according to Baladi News.
Assad Regime Claims Responsibility for Idleb Massacre

On Monday, the Syrian regime’s Ministry of Defense published a statement announcing its adoption of the targeting of Idleb camps in northern Syria, which resulted in the death of nine civilians and the wounding of more than 70 others. 

In its statement, the ministry claimed that the shelling northwest of Idleb targeted command headquarters and training camps belonging to terrorist organizations in rural Idleb. 

“The regime forces carried out the operation in cooperation with the Russian forces after monitoring the targets. This led to the destruction of headquarters and the death and injury of dozens,” the statement said. 

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The ministry published names it said were of the dead, saying the shelling was the result of ongoing violations of the de-escalation agreement in rural Idleb. 

On Sunday morning, regime forces and Russia targeted, with more than 30 surface-to-surface rockets loaded with internationally banned cluster bombs, the Watan and Maram camps near the town of Kafr Jales, north of Idleb and near the village of Khirbet Martein west of the city. 

Our correspondent confirmed that the aforementioned shelling led to the death of nine civilians as an initial toll and the injury of about 70 others– including children and women, some of them critically. All of them were displaced and living in the community of camps of Watan and Maram. 

Timid international condemnations 

The massacre perpetrated by Assad’s and Russia’s forces in the Idleb camps did not witness widespread international reactions, with the exception of Turkey and France. They condemned the bombing via official statements issued by the foreign ministry of the two countries.   

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday: “We strongly condemn the attacks that targeted three camps for displaced people in Idleb and led to the death of nine civilians and the injury of 70 others,” pointing the finger at the Syrian regime. 

“These attacks damage efforts to maintain calm and reduce tension in the region and lead to a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation,” it said, calling for an end to attacks targeting civilians. 

For its part, France condemned the bombing of the Idleb camps, saying in a statement: “France condemns in the strongest terms the bombing operations launched by the Syrian regime on November 6th, with the support of Russia, on camps for displaced persons near the city of Idleb in northwestern Syria.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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