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Mohannad al-Talaa: Our Mission Is to Eliminate ISIS and Take the Necessary Measures to Defend Ourselves Against the Regime

The Revolutionary Commando Army is spearheading the fight against the Islamic State in the area around the al-Tanf base, but avoiding clashes with the regime and Iran writes Jesr.
Mohannad al-Talaa: Our Mission Is to Eliminate ISIS and Take the Necessary Measures to Defend Ourselves Against the Regime

The Revolutionary Commando Army is deployed in the environs of al-Tanf base on the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border, and enjoys support from the International Coalition. Most of the group’s fighters are from Deir ez-Zor province, and it is led by General Mohannad al-Talaa.

Various indicators suggest that the United States is trying to rely on the group as a local force in light of what the area has recently witnessed in terms of attempts by the Islamic State (ISIS) to impose itself after the appointment of a new commander, and the escalating tensions with Iranian militias.

In an interview with Jesr, Talaa said that the Revolutionary Commando Army is the International Coalition’s only partner in the area against ISIS and that it was continuing in its mission of fighting the extremist organization and eliminating them completely.

According to Talaa, the group is continuing its training with American forces in the 55-km area, which was agreed upon internationally, in order to prevent the return of ISIS and to offer the necessary protection for that.

Talaa said that they were not trying to confront regime forces but he said that they were taking all necessary measures to face every possibility and to take them into account in order to defend themselves, while on missions related to eliminating ISIS.

He said that they were also not trying to fight Iran and its militias and that they were taking the necessary measures to protect themselves against all risks that could affect their work while carrying out their missions.

Talaa said that the American withdrawal from al-Qaim was evidence of the success of the campaign to eliminate ISIS in Iraq, completed by the coalition and its Iraqi partners.

At the end of last month, the Revolutionary Commando Army killed and wounded a number of members of the Iranian militias and inflicted material losses in an attack on a position in the al-Tanf area in the Syria desert.

The attack came on the morning of Feb. 17, 2020, in response to an incursion by the militias into the 55-km area, killing a Revolutionary Commando Army fighter. Twelve members of the militias were killed and one was captured, and a tank was destroyed during the fighting.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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