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The Belt and Road: A New Page of Cooperation Between China and Syria

During the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, Syria said that China will play a role in Syria's reconstruction and that it was pleased to be part of the Belt and Road initiative reports SANA.
The Belt and Road: A New Page of Cooperation Between China and Syria

The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully hosted by China in Beijing on Apr. 26-27, 2019, under the theme “Building the Belt and Road and Creating a Beautiful Future”. 

During the Forum, a round table meeting, high-level meetings, 12 sub-seminars and business conferences were held. 

The roundtable meeting was attended by 40 leaders, including 38 heads of state and government, the UN Secretary-General and the Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Presidential Political and Media Adviser Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban represented Syria at the Forum. 

During the Forum, Chinese President, Xi Jinping, attended the opening session, delivered a keynote speech, presided over all roundtable meetings and exchanged views with all parties participating in the building of the “Belt and Road”. All agreed that the “Belt and Road” was an opportunity-filled initiative as they reached a wide consensus on the merits of the “Belt and Road” and achieved 283 achievements from six categories. 

The Chinese President presented the importance of the initiative to build the “Belt and Road” based on his vision, which is consistent with the reality of Chinese development and international cooperation. 

It is a call by China for all countries to meet common challenges and complement global economic governance. It aims to push countries to promote the harmonization of development strategies, focus on communication, deepen practical cooperation and to achieve common development. 

Since its inception in 2013, the “Belt and Road” initiative has received positive support and a warm response from the international community. 

Over the last six years, tangible and fruitful achievements have been achieved. More than 150 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China under the “Belt and Road” initiative. All the results of the first session of the Forum were carried out smoothly.

The trade volume between China and the countries participating in the construction of the “Belt and Road” has exceeded 6 trillion dollars, investment exceeded 80 billion dollars and 82 regions of cooperation between China and the participating countries have created 300,000 jobs for local communities. 

The Forum is the highest platform for international cooperation within the framework of the “Belt and Road”. It aims at crystallizing international consensus on the initiative and mapping cooperation.

Syria has been of an important part of the Silk Road since ancient times, through which Chinese products such as silk and porcelain were sold to Western Asia.

The connection between China and Syria dates back a thousand years, when Tadmour (Palmyra) operated as an important trade center between East and West. Therefore, China and Syria are natural partners and there is a solid foundation and a promising horizon for cooperation between the two countries under the “Belt and Road” initiative, due to the historical friendship linking them. 

Although the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries still faces some real difficulties resulting from the crisis in Syria, the Chinese side always follows the developments of the situation in Syria and calls upon all parties concerned to achieve peace and security in Syria, through the process of a comprehensive political solution.

Today, the pace of communication between the two countries has gradually returned and great efforts were made to promote economic development in Syria, improve the lives of its people and support its efforts to combat terrorism through numerous the humanitarian assistance and training projects provided .

In the future, China will actively participate in the economic and social reconstruction of Syria and make its contribution to the security, happiness and welfare of the Syrian people.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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