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100 FSA Officers Reject Iranian Participation in Talks

Among the signatories of the appeal are Riad Asaad and Malek al-Kurdi
100 FSA Officers Reject Iranian Participation in Talks

More than 100 officers with the Free Syrian Army have signed an appeal to boycott any conference on Syria involving the participation of Iran.


The statement read:


"We condemn again any dialogue with the criminal Assad regime and any conference that leads to something other than the overthrow of the current regime. We declare that the regime of Iran is a serious part of the problem in Syria and should not be involved in any event or any conference on Syria. We believe the time has come for the international community to punish the mullahs' regime for its crimes in Syria."


Among the signatories of the appeal are the founder of the Free Patriotic Army Colonel Riad Asaad and the second officer in charge of the Free Syrian Army, Colonel Malek al-Kurdi.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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