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Monitor: 158 Vital Facilities Targeted in Syria During November

Report documents 158 ​​incidents of the targeting of vital facilities during the month of November, with at least 80 incidents conducted by Syrian government forces
Monitor: 158 Vital Facilities Targeted in Syria During November

The Syrian Network for Human Rights published on Monday a report documenting the targeting of vital facilities by warring parties of the Syrian conflict.

The report documents at least 158 ​​incidents of the targeting of vital facilities during November, with Syrian government forces responsible for 80 of the incidents while Russian forces were responsible for 60.

Armed opposition groups were responsible for the targeting of 11 facilities, the US-led international coalition forces targeted five facilities, and Kurdish People Protection Units were responsible for targeting one facility.

The report claimed that 62 infrastructure facilities, 32 educational centers, 24 religious centers, 22 medical centers, 13 residential areas, three cultural centers and two refugee camps were targeted within the month.

The Network confirmed that investigations proved the targeted facilities had never been used as military headquarters, before or during the attack, calling on government forces and other perpetrators of the crimes to justify the attacks in front of the United Nations and the Security Council.

According to the report, international humanitarian law considers the deliberate or indiscriminate attacks on these facilities as unlawful, and that targeting public schools, hospitals and churches is in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

The network said ISIS and other armed groups, in addition to Russian forces, have targeted a number of the centers, adding that indiscriminate shelling is a breach of international law and could be considered a war crime.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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