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Syria Demands US-led Coalition Pay Reparations for Deliberate Targeting of Facilities

“The US-led coalition’s shelling of the economic facilities and infrastructure, and the unilateral coercive measures adopted by some countries on the Syrian people are the reason behind the mounting difficult conditions Syria is passing through,” the foreign ministry said
Syria Demands US-led Coalition Pay Reparations for Deliberate Targeting of Facilities

US-led coalition warplanes have launched scores of raids on Syria’s economic facilities instead of hitting the Islamic State (ISIS) and means for transporting stolen Syrian oil into Turkey, Damascus affirmed.

“The US-led coalition’s shelling of the economic facilities and infrastructure, and the unilateral coercive measures adopted by some countries on the Syrian people are the reason behind the mounting difficult conditions Syria is passing through,” Syria’s foreign ministry said.

It added that in light of this deliberate destruction of national oil and economic establishments, Syria, under international law, reserves its right to demand the US-led coalition countries to pay compensation in return for the destruction.

On December 8 and 13, the coalition forces shelled a number of oil and gas stations in Deir-ez-Zor under the pretext of hunting ISIS, causing losses estimated at hundreds of millions dollars.

“The US-led coalition has launched scores of raids on the Syrian economic installations instead of bombarding the ISIS tanks which transport the stolen Syrian petroleum and it didn’t present any information about the shelling to the UN according to the UN charter,” the two letters reiterated.

The letters added, “In this regard, the armed terrorist organizations don’t loot the Syrian oil directly from the stations, but they steal the oil from places neighboring the oil wells which spread in the Syrian oil fields, then they sell the petroleum through Turkish channels.”

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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