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Regime Forces Step Up Attacks on Northern Homs for Sixth Consecutive Day

Northern countryside of Homs witnesses barrage of shelling from the air and ground, killing 11 people in 48 hours
Regime Forces Step Up Attacks on Northern Homs for Sixth Consecutive Day

Rebel-held areas of Homs have endured fierce aerial and ground shelling for the sixth day in a row, activists said Wednesday, as 11 people were reported killed in as little as 48 hours.

Early Wednesday, Syrian regime warplanes carried out four air strikes on the Houla region, targeting the towns of Taldou and Western Tieba with four vacuum missiles, residents say.

Regime helicopters also dropped four barrel bombs on the towns of Al-Ghanto and Tier Malah, locals added.

Local activists said five people were killed in the town of Houla, five were killed in Al-Rastan, and one civilian died in Ghanto, northern countryside of Homs.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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