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Medical Teams’ Work in Aleppo is Dying Out: NGO

Medical organization publishes video pleading foreign countries to help end regime bombardment of the northern city
Medical Teams’ Work in Aleppo is Dying Out: NGO

A non-governmental organization announced on Tuesday that the last doctors, nurses and technicians in Aleppo’s hospitals had directed a video message calling on the international community to stop the Syrian regime bombardment on the city.

The Federation of Organizations for Medical Care and Assistance, an NGO which includes doctors from Syrian communities in the world working in opposition-held areas, distributed short video clips showing the suffering of residents of the eastern sector of Aleppo, which is under armed opposition control.

Ahmed al-Halabi, a nurse in one of the field hospitals in the eastern part of Aleppo said in a video clip: “We’re sometimes working 36 to 48 hours without stopping until exhaustion. We no longer have the necessary strength to continue the work.”

The eastern districts of Aleppo have come under complete siege by regime forces and allied militias since the July 17.

Last weekend, four hospitals and a blood bank were bombed, causing them to shut down.

According to this NGO, 300,000 people are currently under siege in the eastern sector of Aleppo, which no longer has more than 30 doctors working in its five hospitals.

The NGO closed by saying: “The residents of Aleppo and the medical staff there are dying in the blockaded areas.”

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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