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FSA Beats Back Regime Forces to Take Half of Daraa’s Manshiya District

Rebel sources claim five regime officers were killed in three days of clashes in the southern city, while pro-government media announces the death of 20 opposition fighters since Saturday, Zaman al-Wasl reports
FSA Beats Back Regime Forces to Take Half of Daraa’s Manshiya District

Free Syria Army fighters on Monday captured half of the Manshiya neighborhood in southern Daraa province after three days of fierce clashes.

The FSA said five regime officers were killed and dozens wounded in fighting in Manshiya, a strategic neighborhood situated at the heart of border city with Jordan.

In turn, pro-regime Al-Masadr news site said 20 rebel fighters have been killed by regime forces since the beginning of clashes on Saturday.

Manshiya is home to around 20,000 people who enjoyed a two-year calm since a freeze in fighting between rebels and government forces.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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