
UNSC Meetings on Syria of No Use Unless They Address Terrorism, Occupation: Syria

Syria denounced the UNSC's silence about the occupation of the Golan, according to SANA.
UNSC Meetings on Syria of No Use Unless They Address Terrorism, Occupation: Syria

The Deputy Permanent Representative of Syria at the UN, al-Hakam Dandi, said that some member states at the UN Security council insist on ignoring the basic challenges in Syria represented by terrorism, attacks on its territories and the escalating catastrophic suffering of its people because of the conceive unilateral measures.

Dandi added at the UN Security Council session on Syria that the pretexts marketed by the Turkish regime to justify its attacks on Syrian territories are no longer tricking anyone, particularly in light of its persistence to back terrorist organizations and to sponsor “Daesh” and “Jabhat al-Nusra.”

 “Syria calls on UNSC to compel Turkish regime to end its illegal military presence on Syrian lands,” the Syrian diplomat said.

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He went on to say that the UNSC’s silence about the occupation of Golan encourages “Israel” to escalate its attacks on Syrian territories including civilian utilities, causing military and civilian victims.

Dandi called on western countries to stop politicizing the humanitarian work in Syria and commit to the principles that govern it, and carry out their obligations to provide funding for the humanitarian response plan and to support the early recovery projects.

As for the U.S. occupation, Dandi said it continues to plunder Syria’s resources of oil and wheat, and the Turkish regime uses water as a war weapon by depriving one million citizens in Hassakeh of water.

 “We condemn the step taken by western countries that sent their delegations to the north-eastern part of Syria and their illegal infiltration into the country in violation of UNSC’s resolutions,” Dandi said.

He concluded by saying that UNSC’s meetings on Syria are of no use unless it deals with the basic challenges represented by terrorism, ending the illegitimate military presence and putting an end to the Israeli aggression, removing the economic blockade as well.

Iran urges UNSC to condemn Israel

Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeed Iravani urged the UN Security Council (UNSC) to condemn the “Zionist entity’s terrorist attacks and aggression on Syria.”

The Iranian diplomat affirmed Syria’s legitimate right to defend itself according to the international charters.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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