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Tortured by Assad’s Intelligence, Changed his Religion: Syrian Refugee Ends Life After Arriving in Greece

The Syrian refugee was a rapper and composer in his country, according to Orient Net.
Tortured by Assad’s Intelligence, Changed his Religion: Syrian Refugee Ends Life After Arriving in Greece

Activists and media pages concerned with refugees published the news of the suicide of a young Syrian refugee in the camps of Greece. He was subjected to significant pressure.

According to what was published by the United Rescue Group on its official website, a 24-year-old Syrian refugee named Ghaith committed suicide on Wednesday, in the Greek capital, Athens, due to the psychological pressure he was subjected to. 

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The Syrian refugee was a rapper and composer in his country and was imprisoned and arrested by Assad’s militia and intelligence. There, he was tortured with water and electricity on his head, back, and other parts of his body. They also burned cigarettes on multiple places on his legs. 

After his release from detention, he was able to escape Syria and take refuge in Greece in 2019, where he lived for almost two years on the island of Chios as a refugee, volunteered for humanitarian NGOs to help other refugees, and took great care of feeding stray animals and cherishing them when he needed help most,.   

The site pointed out that Ghaith changed his religion and converted to Christianity after his release from Assad’s prisons and his arrival in Greece. He was suffering from major psychological crises, described by saying: “He was not the same after that.”   

Greek activist condolences 

Humanitarian activist Kali Jenny, who advocates for refugee rights in Greece, said she met Ghaith on the island of Chios, where he stayed for almost two years, and fed him every week. 

Kali confirmed that after the young Syrian man stayed in Chios, he moved to Athens, and she worked to refer him to trusted people to take care of and support him every step of the way. 

“Sometimes the past doesn’t allow us to get back on our feet (referring to the imprisonment and torture of the Syrian refugee), especially when it’s as harsh as what the young man went through, and especially when you’re as sensitive as Ghaith. We will remember you, nice guy,” she added.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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