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Secret Israeli Anti-Regime Operation Brought to Light

Israel is continuing to attack sites in Syria used by both the regime and Iran, with the latest occurring in the occupied Syrian Golan reports Shaam News.
Secret Israeli Anti-Regime Operation Brought to Light

On Wednesday, an Israeli army spokesperson revealed information about a secret operation that targeted the sites of the Syrian regime forces in the occupied Golan Heights last month. The region has been witnessing great tension, with the Israeli fear of Iranian retaliation to its strikes in Syria.

IDF Spokesperson Avichay Adraee, said that on the night of Sept. 21, 2020, “Israeli forces stormed and destroyed two sites belonging to the Syrian regime army in the disengagement zone east of the security fence in the northern Golan Heights.”

Adraee pointed out that, “the regime’s army had been using the destroyed sites for reconnaissance and routine security checks,” observing that the operation came in response to what he described as the regime’s army’s violation of the Agreement on Disengagement, which prohibits it from stationing in the zone of ​​separation.

The official Hebrew Kan channel had previously said that during the past three years, the Israeli Air Force destroyed a third of the Syrian air defense fleet. It stated in a report that “during the past three years, Israel fired 4,239 missiles and bombs against targets in Syria,” without mentioning the source of the information.

Israel also fired, according to the same channel, “844 anti-aircraft missiles during the same period, which led to the destruction of a third of the regime’s army’s defense system.” The channel mentioned that some of the missiles fired by the Israeli Air Force were met by anti-aircraft missiles from the Syrian Air Defense.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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