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Russia Relieved Over Syria's Positive Response on U.N. Aid Resolution

The Russian Foreign Ministry says local truces are being successfully implemented
Russia Relieved Over Syria's Positive Response on U.N. Aid Resolution

Russia welcomed the "positive response" from the Syrian government to the United Nations Security Council resolution No. 2139, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


The U.N. Security Council unanimously voted Saturday in favor of a resolution to boost aid access in Syria.


''It is important that the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stressed in a special statement that the Syrian government will cooperate with the United Nations to serve the implementation of the resolution and the deliver humanitarian assistance, provided that it respects Syria's sovereignty and the acknowledge fundamental principles according to the humanitarian international law," the statement said.


"Changes to that effect are taking shape with the successful implementation of localized truces that number over forty and are continuing,'' the statement said, adding that these allow for "an effectual improvement of the humanitarian situation in these areas, including in Zabadani, Madaya, Barzeh, Yarmouk camp, and the eastern Ghouta in Damascus suburbs.


The statement reiterated Russia's firm position that "for a radical improvement to the humanitarian situation in Syria, incessant violence should stop and a ground established to unify the efforts of the Syrian government and opposition against terrorism and extremism."


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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