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Roasted Chicken Now Costs a Month’s Salary

Egg prices exceeded 60,000 pounds per plate and chicken cutlets reached 70,000 pounds per kilo, Syria TV reports.
Roasted Chicken Now Costs a Month’s Salary

Media outlets loyal to the Syrian regime reported a decision by the “Fuel Company” to quadruple the price of farm diesel, from 2,000 to 8,000 Syrian pounds.

This decision affects poultry breeding facilities in Syria, including “broilers, layers, and broilers,” as well as hatcheries for breeding chicks.

Announced on Saturday, the decision follows the Economic Committee’s recommendation.

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It was stated that the increase to 8,000 pounds would be implemented through a precise mechanism to ensure facilities receive their allocations. This will be coordinated between the Ministries of Agriculture and Oil in Assad’s government.

This isn’t the first fuel price hike by Assad’s government, particularly for diesel.

However, this fourfold increase in livestock material prices has caused significant shock, as evidenced by Syrians on social media.

Many anticipate that chicken prices will match a government employee’s salary, while others fear the impact on egg prices.

A poultry owner in Damascus’s countryside, cited by “Al-Watan” newspaper, mentioned that they receive diesel at 2,000 pounds per chicken, adjusted monthly: 10% for chickens, 5% for layers.

Al-Watan reported that egg prices exceeded 60,000 pounds per plate and chicken cutlets reached 70,000 pounds per kilo in some markets.

According to a source from the Poultry Committee of the Syrian Agricultural Chambers Federation, the leaked decision is incomplete. Its full details will be released following a Tuesday meeting.

The source believes the decision benefits poultry farmers, offering diesel at prices lower than the black market.

Contrary to Al-Watan’s source, the leaked decision’s reception on social media is overwhelmingly negative.

Syrian journalist Kenan Wakaf expressed on Facebook that the decision is a major blow to the poultry sector, hinting at potential regime control over it.

He mentioned restrictions on buying production materials exclusively from regime-linked companies over the past two years. He concluded, “Broilers are worth a salary.”

Pro-regime page administrators are also concerned about the impending price increases for chickens and eggs, questioning the consequences of this hike.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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