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Manaf Tlass Tries to Revive Military Council

Tlass wants to initiate a national liberation movement that requires the involvement of all Syrian national forces, according to al-Quds al-Araby.
Manaf Tlass Tries to Revive Military Council

Manaf Tlass, a former member of the Syrian regime forces who defected, proposed “a transitional phase in Syria that involves the collection of weapons and the preservation of civil peace in order to achieve a political solution.”

This statement was made during an interview with the newspaper “Al-Quds Al-Arabi” on Saturday, where Tlass also discussed the establishment of a functioning mechanism for the “military council,” in accordance with international capabilities.

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“Our objective is not to reinstate military rule or strive towards it. Instead, we will operate in line with our expertise and adhere to the legal roles observed in all civilized nations,” he stated.

He further elaborated that his proposal includes “the collection and containment of unregulated weapons, ensuring civil peace, safeguarding stability during the transitional period, and contributing to the establishment of a secure environment for the recovery phase, with the ultimate goal of achieving a credible political solution and political process in accordance with UN resolutions.”

“They are currently prioritizing the reorganization of the military council’s operations, allowing the Syrian national forces to play a more substantial role in supporting the project,” he added.

Additionally, he expressed his intention to “initiate a national liberation movement that requires the involvement of all Syrian national forces, both military and civilian.”

Tlass does not possess any declared military or political influence on the ground, although media reports mention the presence of officers who align with his ideology in the northern regions of Syria, which are under the control of opposition factions.

The emergence of this dissident Brigadier General occurs at a time when the focus is on the outcome of a political resolution pertaining to Syria, especially since Arab countries have gradually restored their relations with the Assad regime through a “step for step” approach.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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