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Iran Raises Oil supply to Syria to 3 Million Barrels per Month

Al-Watan learned that Iran recently decided to raise the quantity of crude oil supplied to Syria.
Iran Raises Oil supply to Syria to 3 Million Barrels per Month

Al-Watan learned that the Iranian government had recently decided to raise the quantity of crude oil supplied to Syria to reach three million barrels per month.

Well-informed sources told Al-Watan that Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi had decided to increase the quantities of oil supplies to Syria from two million barrels per month to three million barrels to help it overcome the energy crisis it suffers from “as a result of the occupation of the sources of its oil wealth and the theft of its oil and gas by the American occupation forces, and the repercussions of unfair coercive measures.

The sources indicated that during the meeting of President Bashar al-Assad, the Iranian Minister of Roads and Cities Building, Rostam Qassemi, last month, they discussed the new Iranian step and its positive effects that will be reflected in further breakthroughs concerning oil derivatives.

The sources added that the Iranian president assured Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, during his visit to Tehran last week, of his country’s determination to help Syria in all economic and security files and pointed out that “Syria’s security and sovereignty and its role in the region is important and vital and enjoys Iran’s attention and support.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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