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International Condemnation of Turkish Aggression Against Syrian Territories

Countries from around the world have been quick to condemn the actions of the Turkish regime in northern Syria writes SANA.
International Condemnation of Turkish Aggression Against Syrian Territories

On Thursday, Iran called upon the Turkish regime to immediately stop its aggression in Syria and to withdraw its troops. 

The Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement: “We express concern about the Turkish military action inside the Syrian territories and by taking into consideration the humanitarian situation and the dangers threatening civilians in the areas of military confrontations, we affirm the necessity of the immediate cessation of attacks and the withdrawal of Turkish forces from the Syrian territories.” 

The Foreign Ministry reiterated that this aggression will cause widespread material and humanitarian damage. 


Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said in a press conference that his country has always believed that Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity must be respected, therefore the international community must avoid adding new complications to the situation.

He said that all sides are concerned about the possible ramifications of the Turkish aggression, calling on all relevant sides in the international community to work towards encouraging a political solution to the crisis in Syria. 

Belgium and Italy

In the same context, Belgium and Italy condemned Turkish aggression on the Syrian territories, calling upon the regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan to immediately stop the aggression.

Reuters quoted Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio as saying on the sidelines of a conference in the capital city of Rome, “We think as a government that the Turkish aggression isn’t acceptable, and we condemn it, as in the past, military action has always created more terrorism.” 

Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, for his part, affirmed that Turkish aggression against the Syrian territories will lead to negative consequences and will pose a threat to the progress achieved in combating the Islamic State (ISIS). 

Reynders underlined the necessity of avoiding any new humanitarian crisis in Syria. 

Czech Republic

Czech Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek condemned the Turkish aggression against the Syrian territories, calling for an immediate stop and warned that it would deteriorate the situations in the region.

Minister Tomas called upon the European Union (EU) and the other powers to exert pressure on the Turkish regime to stop its aggression, saying, “securing the Turkish borders should be done in another way, rather than aggression.”


The Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemned the Turkish aggression of the Syrian lands, calling for it to immediately stop. 

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi said that Jordan calls for Turkey to immediately halt its aggression against Syria, according to Jordanian Ammon News Agency. 

Minister Safadi expressed his country’s rejection of any attack against Syria’s sovereignty, condemning any aggression against its territorial integrity.


Canada condemned the aggression launched by the army of the Turkish regime on the Syrian lands, considering it to endanger the stability of the region and risks the efforts exerted to eliminate ISIS. 

Reuters quoted Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland as  saying that Canada firmly condemns Turkey’s military aggression against Syria.

“We call for the protection of civilians, and we call on all parties to respect their obligations under international law,” Freeland added. 


EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini called on the Turkish regime to immediately stop its aggression on the Syrian lands, stressing the EU’s commitment to Syria’s territorial integrity and safety. 

On Wednesday, Mogherini said in front of the EU Parliament that the Turkish offensive hinders the political solution to the crisis in Syria and it will increase the suffering of civilians and cause more displacement. 

The EU official indicated that the Turkish aggression provides a suitable platform for ISIS, which still poses a prominent threat to international, regional and European security. 


Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry renewed his country’s condemnation of the Turkish aggression on the Syrian lands, describing it as “a blatant violation” of international law. 

In a statement on Thursday, Shoukry said that the Turkish offensive in Syria has no justification, and it is considered a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty and a clear and blatant breach of international legitimacy resolutions and international law. 

He pointed out that his country has repeatedly warned against the aggressive Turkish expansionist behavior in Syria, reiterating that the Turkish regime should review its stance in light of the wide international condemnation of this aggression. 


Australia expressed concern over the Turkish aggression, stressing that this aggression destabilizes the region and provides suitable conditions for ISIS in the region. 

AP News Agency quoted the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as saying that the behavior of the Turkish government raises deep concern, indicating that by launching this aggression the Turkish regime creates a state of instability in northeastern Syria. 


Prime Minister of Finland Antti Rinne, whose country currently chairs the European Union, said in a statement that Finland denounces the Turkish military operation against Syria, calling for its immediate cessation.

Rinne said these actions escalate the crisis in Syria, voicing deep concern of their ramifications on the humanitarian situation, as hostilities could lead to more displacement, adding that the Finnish government will stop licensing the export of new weapons to Turkey.


The Iraqi Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying the Turkish aggression will cause more complications of the situation in Syria and will displace large numbers of civilians, increasing humanitarian suffering. 


The UAE Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the Turkish aggression is a serious development and an unacceptable, blatant transgression against the sovereignty of an Arab country, which violates international law and constitutes a blatant interference in Arab affairs.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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