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Death Toll From Qah Massacre Rises

Women and children are reported to be among the dead, following a cluster rocket attack on the refugee camp in the northern Idleb countryside writes Alsouria Net.
Death Toll From Qah Massacre Rises

The toll of the massacre from Qah camp in the northern Idleb countryside has risen to 12 dead civilians, including women and children, after they were struck on Wednesday with surface-surface cluster rockets.

On Thursday, the Response Coordination Group said in a statement that the toll from the massacre had risen to 12, and that it had displaced hundreds of civilians from the camps, out of fear of a new strike, adding that Iranian militias, allies of Assad’s forces, had bombarded the camp.

The statement described the massacre as a “mass murder,” noting that the bombardment had been intentional and that “it was not done randomly.” The group also called on the United Nations to send a fact-finding committee to investigate the site and document this “terrorist act against civilians.”

The Idleb Media Center said that the final toll of the massacre had reached 12 dead, including six children, and published images showing the extent of the destruction inflicted on the tents as a result of fires that broke out and the surface-surface cluster bombardment by regime forces.

Obaida al-Fadel, director of the Idleb Media Center, told Alsouria Net that the number of victims from the massacre was still rising, amid predictions that the number of dead might exceed 12, considering that there were many who were seriously wounded.

Fadel added that the targeted area in the Qah camp and its environs had been emptied of residents, with most of them displaced once more to their relatives and acquaintances in the neighboring camps and towns, while just a few remained who couldn’t find anywhere to go. Humanitarian groups operating in the area are suffering from deficiencies.

On Tuesday, the Syrian Civil Defense issued statistics in which it said that the number of victims, as a result of regime and Russian attacks in Idleb, had reached 1,291 martyrs, as documented by Civil Defense teams over just a seven month period from April to October this year. It added that it had documented 10,389 strikes in the same period.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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