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Czech Diplomat: Western Sanctions on Syria Cause Suffering of its People, Must be Lifted

Former Czech Ambassador to Syria, Eva Filippi, said that enhancing the situation in Syria is in the interest of both Europe and the region, according to al-Thawra.
Czech Diplomat: Western Sanctions on Syria Cause Suffering of its People, Must be Lifted

Former Czech Ambassador to Syria, Eva Filippi, emphasized that the Western sanctions imposed on Syria, affecting entire sectors, are causing significant suffering to the Syrian people and should be lifted. 

In an interview with Czech radio Universal, Filippi stated, “It is imperative to restore diplomatic and economic relations with Syria and to actively support its reconstruction efforts to improve the population’s conditions.”

Filippi highlighted that enhancing the situation in Syria is in the interest of both Europe and the region, underscoring that “Syrians are dissatisfied with Europe’s approach, as it has contributed, alongside the United States, to the destabilization of their country.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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