
Barazi: No To Those Who Try To Destabilize Economy

A Syrian minister has attributed the country’s economic challenges to “distortion campaigns broadcast by the hostile media,” writes Al-Watan.
Barazi: No To Those Who Try To Destabilize Economy

Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Talal al-Barazi chaired a meeting that brought together the heads of chambers of commerce, industry, agriculture, and craftsmanship. During the meeting, the importance of revitalizing markets to secure the needs of citizens with suitable prices for people with limited income was highlighted. 

The minister emphasized that all basic food commodities — such as subsidized bread and flour, and regulated materials such as sugar, rice, and tea — are available and that the government is working hard to continue providing for its citizens’ needs, despite the economic and financial burdens.

He highlighted the government’s keenness to provide various forms of support to federations of chambers of all economic sectors to address the obstacles that hinder their activity to provide the best services for the good and interest of citizens.

Barazi said, “it is our duty to protect the citizens not only from the toll of high prices but also from corrupt, unknown sources and recycled materials. We should work to keep our markets safe and clean, especially with regard to foodstuffs and commodities.” He stressed that the most severe penalties will be taken against anyone who tries to create chaos in the markets, who carries out illegal trade, issues illegal invoices, or controls the currency.

He called on all economic sectors to cooperate and be ready to meet the requirements of citizens and face the repercussions of the economic war, imposed through unilateral coercive economic measures and the Caesar Act.

Barazi affirmed that his team is working to launch initiatives that reflect positively on citizens and contribute to reducing economic and living burdens. The team is also working to uncover anomalies and take deterrent measures, in addition to assuring that the economic situation will soon be better now that a set of economic measures are in the pipeline.

He pointed to the economic challenges that neighboring countries are witnessing and the fluctuation of the exchange rate. Barazi furthermore called for dispelling rumors, disinformation, and distortion campaigns broadcast by the hostile media, related to the economic reality in Syria, indicating that the information aims to create confusion and anxiety, especially amid the current circumstances. He finished off by stressing the importance of joining forces in the face of everything that might harm the interest of the homeland, the citizens, and their livelihoods.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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