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Against the Backdrop of Recent Events: Closure of all Crossings Between Turkey and Northern Syria

The Turkish authorities have closed all border crossings linking them with northwestern Syria, Shaam Networks writes.
Against the Backdrop of Recent Events: Closure of all Crossings Between Turkey and Northern Syria

The Turkish authorities have closed all border crossings linking them with northwestern Syria following recent developments in the cities and towns of the northern countryside of Aleppo, in protest against the attacks on Syrians in the province of Kayseri.

Local sources said that the Turkish side closed the Bab al-Salama, al-Rai, and Jarablus crossings north of Aleppo, without specifying a date for their reopening, after these crossings witnessed protest vigils and angry demonstrations that later evolved into attempts to storm them.

The Turkish side also closed the Bab al-Hawa border crossing north of Idlib, although there were no protests in the area, according to the sources.

On Monday evening, the Bab al-Hawa crossing administration announced its closure to passengers, patients, and trucks until further notice.

The consequences of the events in Kayseri extend to northern Syria 

On Sunday night and Monday, the state of Kayseri witnessed violence targeting the property of Syrians. Turkish citizens burned Syrians’ shops, broke their cars, and threw stones at their homes in events considered the most violent against Syrians in Turkey since the start of the wave of asylum. This violence was triggered by allegations of Syrian harassment of a Syrian child by his relatives.

In response to the events in Kayseri, demonstrations took place in several areas of northwestern Syria on Monday. Demonstrators removed Turkish flags from all streets and service and civilian facilities in the region.

The demonstrations escalated into storming border crossings with Turkey and military and service headquarters in the cities of Jarablus and Afrin. Demonstrators threw stones at Turkish security and army vehicles.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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