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After Saying Conditions Not Suitable for Rapprochement, Fidan: No Retreat from Discussions with Damascus

Fidan emphasized the importance of upholding the Astana agreement.
After Saying Conditions Not Suitable for Rapprochement, Fidan: No Retreat from Discussions with Damascus

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan recently affirmed that Turkey remains open to engaging in talks with Syria, indicating a shift from his earlier statement about unsuitable conditions for reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus. During a televised interview on March 18th, Fidan stated, “Turkey has never shied away from dialogue with Damascus to address ongoing issues.”

Highlighting Turkey’s stance on the Syrian matter, Fidan emphasized the importance of upholding the Astana agreement, urging restraint to prevent clashes between opposition factions and the Syrian army. He underscored the need for resolving current challenges and disparities through mutual respect and shared interests.

This assertion contrasts with Fidan’s remarks during a press conference on March 3, held at the conclusion of the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum, where he deemed the conditions unfavourable for normalization with Damascus. During the forum, Fidan reportedly discussed the Syrian issue extensively with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Further efforts toward dialogue were evident on March 16 when Turkish and Russian officials, led by Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Burak Akcapar and Russian counterpart Mikhail Galuzin, conducted joint consultations. Sources confirmed that discussions encompassed various aspects of the Syrian conflict, acknowledging the complexity of resuming normalization between Turkey and Syria.

Meanwhile, Damascus has reiterated its demand for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from northern Syrian territories under their control as a prerequisite for rapprochement. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, however, reaffirmed Turkey’s commitment to its operations in Syria during a speech in Ankara on March 4th, emphasizing progress in securing the border with Iraq.

The public journey toward Syrian-Turkish reconciliation commenced on December 28, 2022, with a meeting of defense ministers from Russia, Syria, and Turkey in Moscow. Subsequent engagements at the ministerial level involving Syria, Russia, Turkey, and Iran, alongside their deputies and defence ministers, marked further steps in this diplomatic process.



This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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