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Syrian actors

Number of Victims of Azaz Bombing Rises to 22

The death toll from a recent explosion in the town of Azaz has now risen to 22, with officials saying that there is a security deficiency in the area reports Al-Hal.

Poor Distribution and War Behind Middle Class Decline

During the course of the war, the Syrian middle class has shrunk, which one Syrian economist blames on the major disparities and inequality in income distribution writes Al-Watan.

Displaced People in Afrin Protest Loss of Identity

The closure of offices in Afrin that dealt with displaced people has caused protests, with many claiming that it will prevent them from returning to their homes writes Al-Modon.

Turkey Says Nearly 330,000 Syrians Returned Home

The Turkish Interior Minister has said that Syrians have been able to return due to the successes of Operation Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch reports Asharq al-Awsat.

The Regime Jails Sheikh Maamoun Rahmeh

Sheikh Maamoun Rahmeh is believed to have been imprisoned in Adra Central Prison, after being arrested on charges of insulting the Minister of Religious Endowments reports Sowt al-Asima.

No Place for Poor in Damascus During Ramadan

Families in Damascus are struggling to put food on the table during Ramadan due to the dire economic conditions that are plaguing the country writes Damas Post.

A Third Journalist Announces His Retirement

In a statement about his retirement, Yasser al-Omar, cited pressure by the regime security services as a reason for his decision reports Al-Hal.

Assad Reopens Kuweires Airbase in Aleppo

After years of inactivity, Kuweires airbase in Aleppo province has reopened, although they a suffering from a lack of aircraft after many were destroyed at Keshish in 2013 and at Kuweires during the siege reports Zaman Al Wasl.