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Syrians Hit Hard by Economic Crisis

The ongoing economic crisis in Syrian continues to put pressure on ordinary citizens, with prices increasing more than 22-fold since the start of the war reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

Money Collector Zaher Zunbarakji Arrested

Zaher Zunbarakji has been arrrested and is facing a minimum of five years in prison for illegally collecting money writes Al-Watan.

Fire Breaks out at Camp in Hassakeh

A number of women were left with burns after tents caught fire at the al-Hol camp in Hassakeh reports SANA.

The Red Crescent Enters al-Shadadi

Despite the area being under the control of America and the SDF, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent have delivered food and aid to the residents of al-Shadadi in Hassakeh province writes Sputnik.

Syria and Democratic Korea Sign Agreements

Syria and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have agreed to work together in the fields of social care, agriculture and fish and scientific research writes SANA.

Darayya: Destroyed and Empty

Darayya, which was once dubbed the ‘icon of the revolution’, is now a scene of looted stores and destroyed homes reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

Prices Rise in Syrian Markets by 30 Percent

Following an increase to the salaries of government employees, some stores have increased their prices by an equivalent amount reports Brocar Press.

Very Light Increase in State Budget for 2020

At a session to discuss the draft state budget for 2020, some MPs were highly critical and sceptical of the numbers announced by the government writes Al-Watan.