
Foreign actors

A Ghost City Full of Painful Memories

I turned my mind back to the moment we heard a knock on the door, my father opened it to greet my mother, my aunt and some friends, and my mother said, “Ahmad has been martyred!”

FSA Leader Voices Hope

Commander says Southern Front aims to repeat the recent success of opposition forces in Idleb in their bid to control Daraa

The World’s Back is Turned on Syria’s Agony

Is it all a daydream – or a nightmare – when I call for the withdrawal of foreign militias, the end to shelling, the punishment of the guilty, the return of refugees and displaced people to their homes, and an effective Arab role to stop the machine of death?

Malek: Assad Regime on Brink of Economic Collapse

“The dollar exchange rate has doubled five times since 2011…The regime does not foresee or recognize its economic collapse because it will take place before its military collapse”

Syrian Journalists Wary of Rebel Factions

Patting himself down with trembling hands, he made sure his ID card was safely in his pocket. He guessed this would be the only way of identifying his body if he was beheaded

Jordan Accepts 79 Refugees Within 72 Hours

Syrian refugees enter Jordan in large numbers as the Kingdom looks to mobilize more support at the third donor conference to be held in Kuwait later this month