
Foreign actors

Tourists Slowly Return to Syria

Visitors from Arab countries have risen sharply in recent months, while tourists from European countries are also starting to explore the country writes Al-Watan.

Turkey Continues to Commit Crimes in Afrin

Ever since they attacked the city of Afrin and the surrounding area, the Turkish regime and their mercenaries have tormented and looted from the local population writes SANA.

Doomed Jihadists Retreat Within Shrinking Final Syria Bastion

Both refugees and Islamic State fighters have been forced from the final stronghold of Baghouz, many of whom have ended up in the al-Hol camp, whose numbers have swelled in recent weeks writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Regime Releases Prisoners From Hama Prison

While President Assad has granted an amnesty to the prisoners, it is dependent on them complete military service reports Alsouria Net.

Syria and China Sign Economic Agreement

The agreement, which is believed to be the third of its kind, is thought to be worth 100 million yuan and will be used to fund humanitarian needs in Syria writes The Syria Times.

Who Is Besieging Turkey in Idleb: Russia or America?

As the deescalation agreement that governs Idleb continues to crumble, active parties are exploring a potential assault on the region and the implications that it could have writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Syrian Man Goes on Trial Over Germany Stabbing

The incident caused a wave of far-right anti immigrant protests in Germany, which has accepted the largest number of refugees in Europe writes Asharq al-Awsat.

What Happened Over the Weekend

A funding shortfall, the US withdrawal from Syria, attacks on Baghouz and the Syrian National Coalition in Europe. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Iran to Take Lattakia Port

Reports of the possibility that Iran could take control of the port of Lattakia have ramped up tensions between them and Russia, as the two countries jostle for influence in a post war Syria writes Ana Press.