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Foreign actors

Muallem Hails the Strength of Chinese-Syrian Relations

During a trip to China, Walid al-Muallem thanked the Chinese for their support and expressed hope for their future bilateral and economic relations and partnership in the reconstruction process writes SANA.

America’s Recipe for a New Investment in Terrorism

The Trump administrations policies in Syria and across the region will not succeed, and are simply a cover to sell more arms writes The Syria Times

What Happened Over the Weekend

Continued airstrikes in northwestern Syria, Turkey criticizes Russian inaction, Turkish council bans refugees from beach and Syrian journalists call for an end to sanctions. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Ammunition Depot Explosion Rocks Syrian Capital

An ammunition depot located in a military zone in Mashrou Dummar, a western suburb of the Syrian capital exploded on Saturday reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Mhardeh: Russia Protects Us, Not the Regime

The residents of Mhardeh have found themselves between the regime and opposition fighters, but they are looking to Russia to protect them reports Al-Modon.

Russia Criticizes Latest US Sanctions  

Russia has lashed out at the US for the latest round of sanctions that have been imposed on Syria, citing America’s frustration with the success of the Syrian government writes SANA.

Facebook Blocks Syrian Pages Praising Sarout

Syrian opposition pages on Facebook have been suspended due to content they published, which mourned the dead of opposition member Abdelbasset al-Sarout reports Al-Modon.

Regime Forces Fail to Advance Towards al-Kabaneh

Regime forces have failed to make any progress into the village of al-Kabaneh in the northern Lattakia countryside, and suffered a number of losses writes Alsouria Net.