
Foreign actors

Republican Palace Imposes Taxes on Traders

New committees from the Republican Palace have been imposing steep fees on traders and threatening even higher fees for those who do not agree writes Al-Modon.

Schools in Idleb Close Their Doors Due to Bombardment

The ongoing assault by the regime and Russia has forced a number of schools in Idleb province to close, for fear of children being killed or injured reports Alsouria Net.

A Practical Guide for NATO Members to Understand Turkey

Turkey is attending a NATO meeting in the UK this week and the issue of northern Syria is expected to be high on the agenda writes Anadolu Agency.

Escalation Continues in Idleb

Continued bombardments by the regime and their Russian ally have force thousands of families to flee their homes reports Alsouria Net.

UAE Embassy Holds Reception on National Day

The UAE Charge de’ Affairs in Damascus highlighted the strong bilateral relations between the two countries and the UAE’s support for Assad writes SANA.

Syrian Government Laments Victims of WMDs

On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare, Syria highlighted the US and their use of WMDs writes SANA.