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Foreign actors

Will the UAE Interfere in the Syria-Israel Case?

The recent peace agreement between the UAE and Israel was barely acknowledged by Syria, but not for lack of interest, but rather due to the complicated relationship between the two countries writes Annahar.

Rami Makhlouf’s Wife Leaves for the UAE via Lebanon

Lebanese officials have confirmed, that the wife of Rami Makhlouf has flown to the UAE, accompanied by eight other people, including her children reports Sowt Al-Asima.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Disavows Maqdisi

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham has severed ties with Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, after he accused the group’s security apparatuses of working with Turkish intelligence writes Alsouria Net.

Deportation Haunts Syrian Refugees in Denmark

Syrian refugees in Denmark are fearing deportation, after false claims that the city of Damascus is safe for them to return to writes Zaman Al-Wasl.

SDC Ready for Dialogue with National Coalition

Ilham Ahmed has said that the Syrian Democratic Council is ready for talks with all sides to secure a lasting solution for all Syrian reports Baladi News.