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Nebenzia Slams Exploitation of Aid Delivery Mechanism in Syria by Some States

Following a vote on cross-border humanitarian aid in Syria, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN has lambasted other countries for ignoring Syria’s sovereignty writes SANA.
Nebenzia Slams Exploitation of Aid Delivery Mechanism in Syria by Some States

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia slammed the exploitation of the UN mechanism for delivering cross-border humanitarian aid in Syria by some states in a way that contradicts with Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Novosti News Agency quoted Nebenzia as saying in a statement on Monday that, “The terrorist organizations positioned in Idleb use humanitarian aid as a tool to exert pressure on the civilian population and they benefit from them, and there is direct and indirect evidence for that”

“In addition to that, some foreign parties exploit the mechanism of the cross-border aid delivery in Syria in a way that threatens to separate a number of areas in the country,” Nebenzia added.

Earlier on Monday, in a statement to journalists, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin called for the humanitarian aid file in Syria to not be politicised and to deliver the aid in coordination with the legitimate Syrian government.

Last Friday, the UN Security Council adopted a draft resolution on aid delivery in Syria through a single border crossing for a one year.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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