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Smart Card Cost of Sugar and Rice Increases

Following the changes to the exchange rate by the central bank, the cost of rice and sugar has been increased by Syrian Trading reports Etihad Press.
Smart Card Cost of Sugar and Rice Increases

The Syrian Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection announced an increase in the prices of sugar and rice purchased on the smart card, at the request of Syrian Trading.

According to the new decision, the selling price of a kilogram of subsidized sugar saw an increase to 800 Syrian pounds, up from the original price of 350 pounds, while the selling price of a kilogram of rice increased from 400 to 900 Syrian pounds.

Syrian Trading justified the request to amend the prices by quoting a decision by the Central Bank of Syria, concerning extending the import licenses for contracts concluded with Syrian Trading prior to Jun. 16,  2020, according to the new dollar exchange rate of 1,250 Syrian pounds, a 285 percent increase.

The decision changes the modus operandi of receiving allocations, becoming once every two months instead of once a month.

Basic foodstuffs such as sugar, rice, tea, and oil are sold in the Syrian Trading halls via smart card with specific allocations for each family, and at lower prices compared to other sales halls.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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