
Who’s who

Who's who: General Ali Mamlouk

General Ali Mamlouk is one of the most powerful Syrian security officers and a high ranking aide to President Bashar al Assad. He is the director of the Baath Party National Security Bureau, but his reputation came from his position as the head of the General directorate of Intelligence, one of the four most powerful security agencies in Syria.

Who's who: Mazen Darwish

During the Syrian revolution, Mazen played an essential role in launching the revolution and in defending victims who fell for participating in the revolution

Who's who: Ahmad Muaz al-Khatib

Now President of the National Coalition for Opposition Forces and the Syrian Revolution, Ahmad Muaz al-Khatib is a former petroleum engineer and an Islamic preacher and well-respected freedom activist.

Who's who: The Syrian National Council (SNC)

The Syrian National Council (SNC) is the largest and most significant Syrian opposition grouping in exile, and the main point of reference for outside countries that support the opposition.

Who’s who: Damascus Declaration (DD)

The Damascus Declaration (DD) is an umbrella opposition coalition named after a statement drafted in 2005 by numerous opposition groups and individuals demanding a multiparty democracy in Syria. It calls for a gradual and peaceful transition to democracy and the equality of all citizens in a secular and sovereign Syria.