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Regime’s Army Announces New Benefits and Salaries

Under these contracts, volunteers will receive a monthly salary of two million Syrian pounds, as well as bonuses, Shaam Network says.
Regime’s Army Announces New Benefits and Salaries

The Ministry of Defense in the Assad regime has announced “new volunteer contracts that include additional benefits and entitlements.” The details and procedures for volunteering in Assad’s militias have been published on its official page, reflecting the regime’s efforts to restructure the army.

The ministry has introduced a new volunteer fighter contract with a five-year duration, renewable once. Volunteers must be no older than 32 years of age. Additionally, there is a 10-year contract available, which can be renewed at the volunteer’s request and subject to approval by the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces.

Under these contracts, volunteers will receive a monthly salary of two million Syrian pounds, along with compensation. Volunteers are entitled to a bonus upon completing the first year of their contract: four months’ salary for the 5-year contract, and eight months’ salary for the 10-year contract. There are also annual bonuses, equivalent to two months’ salary during the first decade and four months’ salary in the second contract period.

The Military Medical Services Department has expressed a specific interest in recruiting young Syrian Arabs. Recently, various Assad regime militias have announced new opportunities for volunteers, with the latest being the Republican Guard’s announcement in early November, which included a 10-year contract.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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