
MSF Confirms Babies Born Without Brains in Syria

MSF chairman told The Independent she had never witnessed cases similar to what she saw during her two-week visit to Syria in terms of mutation
MSF Confirms Babies Born Without Brains in Syria

A media source at Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has confirmed to All4syria that babies have been born without brains, or with missing parts of the brain, in addition to other cases of distortion to the skull and scalp.


Pier Bugal clarified that news reported by the chairman of the organization, Juan Leo, about the birth of babies without heads, is not accurate and the chairman meant "babies without brains".


Leo spent 10 days in a field hospital in northern Syria, close to the frontline, during December, 2013.


Leo said he witnessed the birth of three babies without brains; two of them died after birth and one was stillborn.


The chairman, who is a pediatrician with 20 years of experience, told The Independent  she had never witnessed cases similar to what she saw during her two-week visit to Syria in terms of mutation, births without organs and serious injuries among civilians. 


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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