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Rebels Capture Ground from ISIS in Syrian Desert

Opposition news site says fighters took the areas of Al-Dayyatha and Kraa northeast of Suweida city amid further losses by the Islamic State over the past few weeks
Rebels Capture Ground from ISIS in Syrian Desert

A rebel group comprised of mostly tribesmen seized two strongholds of the Islamic State group in the Syrian desert east of the capital Damascus, killing eight militants, a commander told Zaman al-Wasl Monday.

Younes al-Salameh, media officer for Jaish Usud al-Sharqiya (Lions of the East Army), said his group had captured areas of Al-Dayyatha and Kraa northeast of Suweida city.

The Islamic State group has been suffering from a loss of ground since Kurdish-led forces and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army made gains over the past few weeks.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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