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September 2021

What Happened Over the Weekend

COVID continues to wreak havoc in Syria, the U.S. considering exemptions from the Caesar Act to ensure the flow of energy to Lebanon, and a meeting between German officials and the opposition. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

ISIS Claims Syria Gas Pipeline Attack

The Islamic State claimed an attack on a natural gas pipeline near the Syrian capital, that led to power outages in the city and its surroundings, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Syrian Opposition Urges Renewed Focus on Political Solution

Opposition President Salem al-Meslet the international community for its lack of interest in the political solution in Syria, in favor of solely humanitarian issues, according to the Daily Sabah.

Government Seizes Money From Some Traders in Homs

The regime’s Minister of Finance issued a decision to seize a group of traders and companies in Homs after they imported smuggled sugar, according to Nedaa Post.

Syria Calls to Lift U.S. and EU Siege

The representative of Syria in the UN has emphasized the need to lift the sanctions on the country immediately, as they harm the state’s effort in the humanitarian and developmental fields, according to the Syria Times.

A Report on Syrian-Lebanese Relations Over the Past Two Weeks

Hazem Saghieh reflects on the new dynamic emerging between Syria and Lebanon, as a new government is formed in Beirut with many pro-Syria figures, according to Asharq al-Awsat.