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December 2019

The Red Crescent Enters al-Shadadi

Despite the area being under the control of America and the SDF, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent have delivered food and aid to the residents of al-Shadadi in Hassakeh province writes Sputnik.

Military Operation in Idleb Soon

The Syrian army to preparing to launch an offensive to recapture and secure the Aleppo-Hama Highway and the surrounding towns writes Al-Watan.

YPG Kill 5 Civilians in Ras al-Ayn

A car bomb exploded in the village of Tel Halaf in the Ras al-Ayn area, killing five, as the YPG continue their fight against Turkey-backed forces writes Zaman al-Wasl.

Ras al-Ain Locals Prevented From Returning Home

Families who fled the Turkish advance in Ras al-Ayn are now wondering whether they will ever be able to return to their homes writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Assad Family Gangs Facing Pressure in Qardaha

Gangs run by Bashar Talal al-Assad and Hafez Munzer al-Assad are under pressure to give up their heavy weapons and submit to Russian authority writes Al-Modon.

ISIS Attacks Kill Four in Deir ez-Zor

The Islamic State have launched attacks in Deir ez-Zor, killing fighters from Assad’s forces and members of the National Defense militia reports Deir Ezzor 24.

Russian Military Opened Fire on an Israeli Aircraft

Russia have opened fire on an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle that entered Syrian airspace along the eastern axis of the occupied Golan Heights region reports Al-Marsad.