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July 2019

Opposition Delegation Confirms Participation in Astana Talks

Despite the ongoing attacks in Idleb, an opposition delegation will attend the latest round of Astana talks and will demand the cessation of violence and the release of prisoners reports Alsouria Net.

Boris Johnson Will Compete With Trump Over Israel and Iran

With the ascension of Boris Johnson to power in the UK, it is expected that he will work with President Trump to strengthen Israel and suppress the Palestinian cause writes Al-Watan.

Syria Is Witnessing 100 Suicide Attempts a Week

The psychological pressures and strains created by the war in Syria are pushing some to try to take their own lives writes Sowt Al-Asima.

Will the US Interfere to Stop the Atrocities in Idleb?

The image of young children in the aftermath of an airstrike on Ariha in Idleb province has brought the horrors of the regime assault back to the forefronts of people’s mind writes Robert Ford for Asharq Al-Awsat.

US Turkish Divisions Over Safe Zone

The US and Turkey are divided over the implementation and nature of the proposed safe zone on the border of Turkey and Syria writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Russia: US Stealing Oil in Euphrates Area,

The Russian General Staff has accused the US of stealing oil and training terrorist groups in the area, while also holding them responsible for the suffering at the al-Rukban camp writes SANA.

What Happened Over the Weekend

A tragic image of suffering from Idleb goes viral, Lebanon secures the release of an American, a suicide attack hits Daraa and UN says 400,000 displaced in the north. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Iranian Militias Join Soleimani in Albu Kamal

Coinciding with a visit by Qasem Soleimani to Albu Kamal, 150 fighters from a militia which calls itself the “Imam al-Hujja Brigade” has arrived in the city reports Baladi News.