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January 2019

Erdogan Asks Syria to Restore Their Deal

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cited an agreement signed in 1998 between Turkey and Syria as a backbone for operations against the Kurds in Syria reports Alsouria Net.

A Living Hell for Detainees in Adra

For those detained in regime prisons, life is a nightmare of threats, torture and death reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Jordan Invites Syria to Attend Arab Meeting

Jordan is the latest Arab state that is set to start the process of normalising relations with the Syrian government reports Human Voice.

Blast Hits Damascus

While the explosion did not cause any casualties, there was damage to homes and vehicles reports SANA.

Moscow: Situation in Idleb is Worsening

September’s agreement, between Russia and Turkey, was designed to keep regime and oppositions separated, but infractions have been common writes SANA.

Polygamy Rates Rise in Syria

The war in Syria has spurred an increase in the number of men taking a second wife, although given the strict laws, it is unclear how they can afford two writes Sputnik.

Kurdish Official: Damascus Must Put Words Into Action

Following talks between the Kurds and Russia, Kurdish leader Elham Ahmad now wants the dialogue to lead to a peaceful political solution writes Asharq al-Awsat.