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November 2018

Mistura Announces Failure of Talks in Astana

One of the main objectives of the latest round of talks in Astana, was the formation of the constitutional committee reports Alsouria Net.

11th Round of Astana Meetings Begins

Over the course of two days, delegates will discuss the ongoing situation in Idleb, the return of refugees and the constitutional committee writes SANA.

Syrian Regime Murders Leading Female Figures

Before being arrested, Dr. Faten Rajab Fawaz and Layla al-Shouikani were leading figures in the early days of the revolution writes Ana Press.

Promises Broken With Settlement Fighters

Fighters who agreed to settlements with the regime are being told they will be sent to Idleb, despite previous reassurances that they would remain in Daraa reports Al-Modon.

Suicides on the Rise in Regime Areas

Since 2015, 364 people have committed suicide, with the highest reported numbers in Damascus writes Enab Baladi.