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March 2017

Unchecked by Russia, Assad Regime Intensifies Assault on Al-Waer

As Assad regime jets raid Al-Waer district in Homs, killing and wounding more civilians, it becomes ever more clear that Russia has completely failed to uphold the cease-fire signed in December of last year

The Winners and Losers in Geneva Talks

As the results of Geneva talks divide the opposition delegation into parties of optimists and pessimists, the regime is swiftly extending its control, leaving little doubt that the revolution is nearing its end

Two Killed in Regime Attack Against Al-Waer

Activists report that two more people have been killed in regime airstrikes on Al-Waer neighborhood in Homs, as government forces extend aerial and ground campaigns after further agreements with rebels fails

Fate of Missing Civilians from East Aleppo Remains Unknown

While the fate of hundreds of detainees and forcibly disappeared residents of east Aleppo remains unknown, the head of the Syrian Network for Human Rights urges the U.N. to demand the regime reveals information about the circumstances of these victims

De Mistura’s Failure in Geneva Peace Talks

De Mistura’s incompetence led to the failure of the talks at Geneva as every platform vied for divergent interests, giving hope that his exclusion as a special envoy at Astana will bring about good results

Geneva Charade: Regime is the Opposition

This charade called Moscow and Cairo’s platforms is only an accessory to the Syrian regime

A Glimpse into the Lives of Syrian Workers in Turkey

Many of the displaced Syrians who have found their way into Turkey are struggling to find work, and when they do, they struggle with low wages and a constant risk of unemployment

Paris Holds the Key to the Resolution of Syrian Crisis

The recent repositioning of Paris vis-à-vis the Syrian crisis toward viewing the regime as a solution to an end of terrorism comes as right-wing movements across the globe dominate the political stage