
November 2016

Opinion: Trump, Like Putin and Assad, Does Not See People in Syria

Trump symbolically and practically has given a green light to finish off Aleppo city, and he has become, along with Obama, partners with Putin in the most horrific stage the city has endured in its long history, writes Abdel Wahab Bedarkhan

Opinion: The Greatest Threat to International Peace and Security

After nearly six years, and due to the complexities and overlaps of international actors and players – regionally and internally – it became clear that the strings are no longer pulled by the Syrians or even regional states as the conflict has mutated into score-settling between super powers, chiefly the US and Russia

Opinion: Why All This Brutality in Aleppo?

The push by Assad and his allies to achieve decisive victories before the end of Obama’s term, and the beginning of an unpredictable Trump presidency, could explain the brutality which they are employing against Aleppo, the Damascus countryside, and the eastern and western Ghoutas

Will Assad’s New Fifth Corps Help Finish the Battle?

Serving volunteers want the regime to include them in the new Fifth Corps and supply them with a monthly salary, thereby taking advantage of the rampant poverty in Syria and the spread of unemployment

Regime Blocking Access to Baby Milk in Rebel-held East Ghouta

Around 19,000 infants are estimated to require baby milk in Eastern Ghouta, while the monthly cost of milk often reaches up to 39,000 Syrian pounds ($180), which is more than half of most residents’ income.

Damascus Rejects Opposition Conference with ‘Russian Guarantees’

Damascus has rejected a proposal from Moscow to host a broad conference for the Syrian opposition with “Russia’s guarantees” aiming to form an expanded opposition coalition ahead of possible peace negotiations in Geneva

Idleb Students Chafe Under Restrictions

Female students at the Free Idleb University are reporting being verbally abused and banned from class after being accused of not adhering to the standards of Islamic dress