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June 16, 2015

Assad Awaits Reward From US-Iranian Nuclear Deal

Obama has decided to provide Iran with an instant reward of $200 billion when signing the nuclear deal, which will undoubtedly be funnelled into Syria and other regional conflicts.

First Arabic Library Opens in Istanbul

Library will act as an Arabic education center with the aim to provide a number of educational and artistic workshops, lectures and seminars

Opinion: ISIS, Who Released the Beast?

“This medieval organization exploits the injustice and oppression suffered in the Arab and Islamic region, just as Nasrallah and Khamenei do, to send the desperate young men in the region to die – hoping to find in heaven what they have been denied on earth”

New Study Aims to Strengthen Syria’s Civil Movement

Research seeks to understand the previous stage and anticipate what will follow with the goal of documenting and enhancing the peaceful movement in Syria, says Dawlati director