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Moscow Calls on Washington to Withdraw Forces From Syria

Russia has always maintained that the US, unlike them, were not invited to Syria, and that their presence in the country is illegal writes SANA
Moscow Calls on Washington to Withdraw Forces From Syria

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on Washington to fulfil its international legal obligations and withdraw its forces from Syria, reaffirming the notion that their presence is illegal.

At a press conference on Thursday, Zakharova said that the Russia has credible information that the US forces deployed in the al-Tanf area, which includes al-Rukban camp, are fully aware of the presence of hundreds of Islamic State (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists within the camp and who are using the displaced as human shields.

She pointed out that Washington has not yet allowed the United Nations access to the camp to provide aid to the needy.

The Spokeswoman warned of the high frequency of terrorist provocations against the Syrian Arab Army and civilians in areas adjacent to the de-escalation zone in the province of Idleb, noting that Russian air defense systems recently downed 45 RC drones which were launched by terrorists from Idleb towards Hemeimeem airbase in Lattakia.

The terrorist groups in Idleb recently conducted mass arrests. Over 500 people who called for local reconciliation were detained, according to Zakharova.

Zakharova pointed out that the Syrian government continues to work to create conditions for the return of the displaced to their home, as thousands of refugees returned recently from Lebanon.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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