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Infant Among Civilian Martyrs of U.S. Airstrikes

At least three children have been killed in U.S. strikes
Infant Among Civilian Martyrs of U.S. Airstrikes

Activists have circulated on social media a photo of Mahmood Jomaa, a 3-month-old baby who was killed with his mother by U.S.-led airstrikes on Idleb on Tuesday morning.


The infant was wearing a pajama with the word "Twitter" printed on it, prompting some activists to comment: "let's tweet his photo as the first victim of Twitter. It seems that his mother had prepared him to die so she put him in American clothes."


"Mahmood tweeted with a tweet on his chest; he passed away in shelling from those that for years falsely claimed to be protecting," another said.


Another tweet read: “Mahmood Moaz Jomaa was not killed by Assad or IS, but the American strike of Syria. Well done Obama, Syria and Iran are proud of you and America today”.


Activist Abdulrahman Kilani commented on the infant’s photo saying: “Children always die for us, tiny bodies needed to complete adult’s crimes, another bird was martyred by the American strike on Idleb countryside."


Zaman al-Wasl has obtained information showing that at least three children were killed by the airstrike on Deir Derian near the Turkish border to the north of Idleb. They are Mahmood Mohammed Moaz, and two sisters, Zaynab and Maha Mohanna Barakat, as well as three other children, with no information about their identity.


Another three children of the same family were injured, named Ahmad, Malak and Wafa Mohanna Barakat.


They were displaced from Azaz in Idleb countryside, and their building was targeted, then they were transferred to Turkish hospitals via the Bab al-Hawa crossing point.


American airplanes targeted another four residential houses occupied by Syrian families in Kafr Ajom in Aleppo's countryside. All houses were raized to the ground and many civilians were killed, including women and children.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer



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